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FIRST   Alumni


Recognising FIRST students applying to Macquarie University

Macquarie University offers a range of pathways for FIRST alumni to study STEM degrees under the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Find out more about your steps to tertiary study at Macquarie below!


Pathways to Macquarie

FIRST Australia Scholarship

rewards FIRST alumni studying STEM who demonstrate core values.

ATAR Adjustment Factors

recognises the skills of FIRST alumni by increasing access to STEM degrees.

Macquarie Leaders and Achievers

provides early entry for students demonstrating leadership and dedication.

Faculty of Science and Engineering FIRST Australia Scholarship

Macquarie University is offering a new scholarship for students who have participated in FIRST activities in Australia and are commencing an undergraduate degree with the Faculty of Science and Engineering. 

This scholarship recognises students receiving adjustment points for participation in FIRST activities who can demonstrate FIRST Core Values development that prepares for an excellent career in STEM. Students must meet the eligibility criteria laid out on the Macquarie University website. 

At a glance

Pathway type



Macquarie University Faculty of Science and Engineering undergraduate degrees

FIRST alumni attributes

Demonstrates FIRST Core Values of discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork and fun

Adjustment factor

$5,000 annual scholarship for up to 4 years

Selection criteria

  • Commencing full-time undergraduate degree in Science and Engineering at Macquarie

  • Evaluation of answers to questions in online application

  • Certification of participation in FIRST events

  • Year 11 results

How to apply

Apply through the Macquarie University online application portal. Shortlisted applicants may be contacted for an informal interview with Macquarie University representatives.

ATAR Adjustment Factors

Participation in FIRST programs is now recognised as an eligible factor for up to 10 ATAR adjustment points for specific degrees at Macquarie University. 

Students may receive up to 10 adjustment points for eligible Faculty of Science and Engineering degrees in recognition of their contribution and participation in FIRST programs throughout Australia. To be eligible, students must have participated in either FIRST Tech Challenge or FIRST Robotics Competition in Year 11 and 12 for current high school leavers, or within the last 3 years for non-school leavers. The Macquarie University website provides more information on which degrees are eligible, as well as calculating what your adjustment factor may be depending on your level of participation. 

At a glance

Pathway type

ATAR adjustment


Macquarie University Faculty of Science and Engineering undergraduate degrees

FIRST alumni attributes

Participated in FIRST Tech Challenge or FIRST Robotics Competition in Year 11 and 12

Adjustment factor

5-10 adjustment points on top of your ATAR

How to apply

Apply through the Macquarie University online application portal

Selection criteria

​5 adjustment points for completion of: 

  • 12 months active participation in a FIRST Tech Challenge or FIRST Robotics Competition team, and

  • Participation in at least one official FIRST Tech Challenge or FIRST Robotics Competition event, and 

  • Completion of an individual or group FIRST outreach project 


You may receive an additional 5 adjustment points for participation in at least one FIRST Tech Challenge or FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship. 

Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Scheme

The Macquarie University Leaders and Achievers Scheme is an early entry pathway recognising high achievers with initiative and commitment.

You could receive an early entry offer to study at Macquarie if you have performed well academically in Year 11 and demonstrate leadership skills, personal development and dedication through your extracurricular activities. Participating in FIRST programs prepares students for the leadership and STEM outreach recognised by this entry scheme.

At a glance

Pathway type

Early entry to a degree


Macquarie University undergraduate degrees

FIRST alumni attributes

Demonstrates leadership, service and community engagement, contribution and commitment, initiative and self-efficacy

Adjustment factor

Early entry to your degree before ATAR release

Selection criteria

​Demonstrate each of the listed qualities through at least two activities (further examples can be found on the Macquarie University website above). 

Participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition is counted as one of the eligible activities. 

How to apply

Apply through the Macquarie University online application portal. 

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